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clear out

vb. 1 (context idiomatic transitive English) to completely empty 2 (context idiomatic transitive English) to remove or eject (from), especially forcibly 3 (context idiomatic intransitive English) to leave quickly 4 (context idiomatic intransitive English) to become empty

clear out
  1. v. move out and leave nothing behind

  2. clear out the chest and lungs; "This drug expectorates quickly" [syn: expectorate, drive out]

  3. empty completely; "We cleaned out all the drawers" [syn: clean out]

Usage examples of "clear out".

Something some force had swatted him into the cactus-grove and killed him hard enough to shove his eyeballs clear out on to his face.

That sound always made the miners clear out in the olden days, because it meant the works could come down at any time.